Spring  Run To ‘The Glen’ - SAT 20th Aril 2013 

 Saturday 20th April saw our first run of the season – ‘Spring Run to The Glen’. A new area this year and a new organiser, William Todd. A great entry of 25 cars and 52 people assembled at Omagh Showgrounds, all arriving on time. Just after 11.00am William, navigated by his 11 year old granddaughter Bethany led the cavalcade in the direction of Drumquin, but not by the main road.

Using all the little quiet side roads we made our way up to the Pigeon Top where everyone marvelled at the amazing views. Thankfully we were blessed with a lovely clear day and you could see for miles. William had another surprise in store. Vincent Howe had very kindly sent his ice cream van to supply all with an ice cream. From here we made our way down off the mountain into the village of Drumquin to stop at the church for soup, sandwiches and tea which was really enjoyed by all, especially by those who had travelled a distance. 

It was then off to our special feature, a visit to Sloughan Glen and its waterfall. Surprisingly very few people knew this place existed. It really is County Tyrone’s answer to the Niagara Falls!! Nearly everyone walked the short distance to the waterfall and those feeling energetic took in the lovely walk along the top path. 

On our homeward journey we travelled through Baronscourt, over the mountain to Mountjoy and finally up to Glenhordial where we had great views looking down over Omagh and finally finishing at the Silver Birch Hotel for a very welcome buffet meal followed by a sweet, tea or coffee.

William thanked everyone for coming. Our chairman then thanked William for all his hard work in organising a very successful run which was enjoyed by all. He thanked Todd Insurance Brokers for sponsoring all the printing and declared that the award for the best navigator on the day must go to Bethany who followed the instructions perfectly all day. A special mention was made of all the new faces. We had people from the Banbridge Club, the Morris Minor Club and the Donegal Club, all of whom said they had a brilliant day and really enjoyed exploring a new area. The UPWAC were delighted to have them all.

A Get Well Card was signed by all for our Treasurer, Wesley Lamont, along with our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

What a perfect start to our season. Well done William. Your hard work was appreciated by all who attended. All we want is for you to do it again next year.