Apple Blossom Run 2019

 11th May 2019 Apple Blossom Run organised by Wendy and Geoffrey Livingstone.

 We started at Dan Winters cottage with homemade scones, bread and lovely little pastries.  This was our best attended event of the rally season with 10 Pre War Cars and 12 Classics.  I am sure that lovely sunny weather helped. We then made our way across lovely quiet roads surrounded by Apple Blossoms.  This was a novelty and beautiful sight for those of us that live in the colder counties.  

The highlight as far as this scribe is concerned is the access that we had to a private orchard. A comfort stop at McAllister’s farm in the middle of the orchards produced a lovely surprise by the organisers. We were each presented with a bottle of apple juice with the club logo with the date of our visit...a lovely touch.  

Members took the opportunity to purchase apples, apple juice, apple cider vinegar and Cider.  I even noticed a few tee total members buying the Cider but was assured that it was for presents. We then drove along more quiet country roads skirting Armagh City to a local garden centre which was the cheapest for prices that I have seen this year.

Members took the opportunity to stock up and as has already been seen on Facebook Wesley Lamont’s seven was fully laden with apples, bread and plants by the end of the run.  We finished at the Head O’ the Road Pub for our evening meal.  It was good, served quickly and on time.

The Chairman said that even the local members probably couldn’t say that they had been on all of those roads. The Livingstone family believe that they have exhausted that area for runs..........well if they can come up with another one as good as this one was, we will be there, especially if they can arrange another sunny day!